Stock market is the heart of financial world and it provides immense opportunities. It is a package of career which aids to become Professional Trader, Investor, Chartist, Advisor, Portfolio Manager, Hedgefund Manager etc.
Our various modules caters to the needs of all ranging from freshers to professionals.
Major market players always takes Advantage of volatility as well as consolidation phase and switch their position from cash to futures or futures to option.
As an expert trader after learning technical analysis one can take Advantage of market condition by trading in options market. Option trading requires great skill to and is not simple as cash trading I t requires deep skillful study of charts, Open interest analysis & Understanding of different parameters acting on Premium. If these is done perfectly one can earn huge return with minimum investment & minimum risk
We provide training & practice sessions of different modules
It is a certification process in which candidates are required to demonstrate proficiency in broad range of technical analysis subjects. It is administered by MTA (Market Technician Association) USA. It consist of 3 levels. CMT Level 1 and 2 are multiple choice exam while CMT 3 is in essay form.
We provide training of all modules through ZOOM to help you learn from your place if you are not from Rajkot(Gujarat,India).
We provide advisory and research services to our students who gets training under us. We provide complete backup support as trading coach to students in different segments of their work. Different segments are:
We have a platform where we train students, provide and support them with our research services and help them to trade at our trading desk under our mentorship. We have sharekhan franchisee where students trade
Stock screening is the process of filtering stocks based on specific criteria to identify trading or investment opportunities. It is a critical step for traders and investors looking to align stock selection with their strategies and objectives.
We provide sophisticated software to identify perfect entry and exit in stocks or any asset class. We also have screeners which screens the correct tradeable stocks with good volume and open interest with best technical rating.
Intraday trading in Futures & Options (F&O) is a sophisticated strategy that allows traders to capitalize on short-term price movements in the stock market. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating specialized content for this niche:
We are providing our sophisticated tools and screeners to identify best performing stocks in Intraday as well as on delivery basis.
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